Friday, August 24, 2012

      My son spent 90 days in the NICU when he was born almost 3 years ago. Our whole family went through so many challenges and changes during that time. It was a humbling, scarey and wonderful experience. During the pregnancy I gained 20 pounds. While in the NICU I gained 20 pounds eating to deal with the stress and the guilt.   Now my son is a healthy almost 3 year old, our oldest is 4 and we have a new 7 week old.  I took a good look in the mirror and realized I didn't recognize myself anymore. Since my second pregnancy I have gained 41 pounds. Now that I have 3 kids, I need to be healthy for them and for myself.  So I'm going to shed the NICU.  It's time for me not to let affects from the NICU rule my life anymore. It's a place I'm grateful for, somewhere I'm never going to forget, it changed me for the better. Except for that 41 pounds which is going away now. So here's the plan:
  • Couch to 5K. I've never been a runner, cringe at the idea, but I've heard great things about this program. And it sounds great for someone who has been a non-runner for their entire life
  • Silly work out DVD's 2-3 times a week to break up the running program so I don't get bored. 
  • Since I love baking no baking unless I've exercised that day. This will be the best motivator since I bake daily to unwind.  
  • No daily weigh-in's. I've made this mistake before and it's just depressing because weight fluctuates too much day to day. A once weekly weigh-in is it.
  • And last updating this blog once a week. Being responsible to something will hopefully make me stick to it. It'll be pretty sad if I get on here to report that I've done nothing. 
So that's the plan.  Here's wishing me good luck!